How to Increase Website Traffic with the Help of SEO and Social Media Marketing

How to Increase Website Traffic with the Help of SEO and Social Media Marketing

Coming soon


SEO training geared towards optimizing your site so internet searchers can find it. A few modest changes to your site or blog can greatly increase its SEO-friendliness without changing the overall look and feel.

The class will cover the below SEO topics:

1. Assess your site traffic and search engine ranking.
2. Using Google Analytics to monitor traffic and progress.
3. Optimize your URLs; learn how to redirect from old to new URLs in case of changes.
4. Keyword research and planning.
5. Install plugins that can automate some SEO tasks and learn the basics of using them.
6. Loading speed is now an important factor in the Google ranking algorithm. Assess your site speed and learn how to make quick speed improvements.
7. On site SEO. Learn the basics and how to apply them. This the crux of organic SEO and it can have long-lasting positive effects on your site’s search rankings.

With these techniques and a few minutes of planning and preparation per page, you can do great SEO on your own site, and it will be great because you know your own material better than anyone.

Social media marketing:

We will talk about how to select social media sites and use them to promote business. We will cover Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and Google My Business.